Paideia og Freinetskolen Mimer arrangerer en stor internasjonal konferanse i Norrtälje i Sverige om forskning og praksis i dialogisk undervisning.
International Summit on Dialogic Instruction blir arrangert 26. og 27. mai 2006 på Campus Roslagen. Du kan lese mer om konferansen ved å følge disse linkene;
Hva er Paideia?
På Paideias hjemmesider kan man lese følgende:
PAIDEIA (py-dee-a) from the Greek pais, paidos: the upbringing of a child.
Paideia schools offer a unique approach to active learning.
Paideia schools are built on the idea that public schooling is preparation for becoming educated over the course of one’s life time.
Paideia teachers use three instructional techniques:
1. didactic instruction for increasing students’ factual recall,
2. intellectual coaching for developing students’ literacy skills, and
3. seminar dialogue to strengthen students’ conceptual understanding.
In Paideia classrooms, all students are involved in a wide range of academic work and social practices needed to achieve the following objectives:
to become good citizens,
to earn a decent living,
and to lead a good life.
The National Paideia Center is a not-for-profit organization affiliated with the University of North Carolina since 1988. The Center supports a world-wide network of educators through training, technical support, and publications.”